Posted by Parishi in

Hello Friends & Comics lovers!
This comic is the first comic I have ever scanned myself for my own blog . Earlier I used to help my father in scanning phantom comics. This book was sent to me by uncle Pai .For this I had to play games on and earn tinkle gold.
I am sorry for any mistake committed in scanning for this is my first attempt. If I get a good response then I would even put old issues of tinkle issue no. 1 onwards, but it may take some time as I have to study and scan the comics also.
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45 Response to The Adventures of Suppandi
Wow! What a debut in comics’ blogging by a lovely 12 years Doll, Wonderful! Nice choice! You are best example of new generation bloggers. Keep it up.
I’ll send you a scanning guide (bible of scanners). :)
This uncle will collect Tinkles from your blog only. :)
Shabash! Glad to see you are following in your dad's tracks. He must be proud of you! Suppandi was my favorite in Tinkle along with Shikari Shambu. Hope to see more in future.
Great start Parishi! May you meet with success in all your endeavors!
Wow! That's a very nice debut effort indeed :) Congrats & keep up the good work!
Very good effort Parishi Beta.Keep it up and provide us more Tinkles.
Awesome work, Parishi! Glad to see another blog on the blogosphere! Continue onwards! :)
Oh! Sweet Parish!
Dear Prabhat uncle
Thanks a lot for timely help and ur support.
Dear Srikant uncle
Will be putting comics of shikari the shambu and kalia the crow as soon as i receive it from uncle Pai
Hey, great blog you have here.
Very nice, the photographs are great and you seem like a sweet kid.
I think its great that you read and that you're scanning comics and so into them. Its one of the best habits you can possibly have, nothing teaches you about life like reading and sharing thoughts, ideas and everything with other people.
Best of luck and hopefully we will see more Parishi scans in the future!
Take care.
This was a good one.
Loved it.
Excellent scanning too.
Did you photoshop it or what?
Looking forward to kalia!!
Dear JP uncle
Will soon surprise u by more comics.
Dear Satjit Uncle
Make sure u keep commenting like this and encouraging me and a big thanks
Dear Zaheer uncle
Will soon be adding more tinkles and make sure u add my blog to favourites.
Dear adibud34
Will continue addind more tinkles.
Dear ajnaabi
Now will soon be adding more comics make sure u read them alol without fail
Dear ajnaabi
Now will soon be adding more comics make sure u read them alol without fail
Dear dude
Your just right.These photos are of my brother and that in the pink ang orange top are me.Thanks a lot .Keep visiting my blog as every week u will find a new comic on my blog
Dear Jai
I used photoshop to just crop and resize it.I will scan Kalia too as soon as i receive it from the editor.
Thanks Alot for this Wonderful Effort !!!!!!!! Keep it up !!!
wonderful work parishi!!! gr88 goin1!!
Wow - Parishi ! Great intiative and Supandi is a fun choice too :D ... and while you're at it, why not scan those textbooks too. You never know who they might come in useful for esp. students :P. Welcome to the Free Knowledge movement ... fun for everyone !
- Wolfgang :)
Dear Parishi
Hearty Congrats on your First Scan and best wishes for the future
Thanks and Sincere Blessings
Good stuff butterfly girl! and uncle mat bolna ok? :p
Hi Parishi, very very nice to see this blog of yours and your interest in posting Tinkles, which we all love. I am sure everyone will be very happy to see Tinkles, but please make sure you do the posting only in your free time, so that your studies are not affected :D
Dear Parishi, I agree with Amit & other friends. You should post in free time only.
my lil gal;s bolg is getting popular...
alll d best!@
Dear Sandeep
U will soon find some more comics on blog ,so keep visiting.
Dear mam
.Thank u .pls continue encouraging me.will be adding some more wonderful comics.keep reading
Bharat :thanks a lot .Will be adding a new book nearly every week
TCP:thanks.very nice comming this weakend only, u would love to read it.
Thanks for Suppandi Comic
Lucky Limat
Very nice blog, Keep it up !!
Well done Parishi! Like father like son! This is really a big step you have taken! I will be a regular visitor, and so do my kids! Keep it up!
Lucky Limat :Thanks.Pls keep visiting my blog for more wonderful comics.
Lucky Limat :Thanks :)
DesiGuru:Thanks a lot.Just a small correction: like father like doll.
heyyy shaan its veryy awsome blogg keep it up
Dear Didi:Thanks.Please keep visiting my blog
Thanks a lot
Anjneya :welcom
Links are dead Parishi bhai, please provide new links......:)
Parishi, I would be grateful if you can upload them. Stumbled on your blog while searching for Suppandi comics. You are doing a great work. GOD bless you. Thanks.
Can you please reupload this if you have the files
pls upload this comic again. links are dead and pls post more amar chitra katha. thanks
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